The first time I met Kai of the FEG was some year back in Glasgow. I was in a sitting with Mr David Thompson of the Circle of the Silver Cord.
When in Scotland, I met some wonderful persons among whom John and Maryse Locke from France and Mr Kai Muegge from Germany. I felt something special, a type of bond with these persons. Since that time we kept in touch every now and then through the web. Kai frequently sends me a newsletter regarding the “Felix Circle” and other useful information from all over the world of the paranormal. I never realised that Kai was developing his medium-ship ability with great success, because he did not speak about for years.
So, to cut a long story short, in one of his newsletters, I was invited as a sitter. I immediately decided to participate and it was scheduled for the 14th October.
I arrived in Hanau on the 12th October, staying in Domino Hotel which is only fifteen minutes walk to Kai’s home. I was greeted very warmly by Kai and his wonderful family. In fact we used to meet every evening and since Kai had to go to earn a living during the day, I spent most of the time looking around Hanau’s city centre which I enjoyed so much. I also used to go for long walks by the river which is amazingly wonderful, clean and calming with wild birds of all kinds.
Hanau is a wonderful place and the weather was nice and sunny though the temperature was low (9 ºC during the day and 3 ºC at night). There is something special in Hanau. You can go to the city centre full of shops in only ten minutes walk. From the city you will find yourself strolling by the riverside full of vegetation and beautiful trees and it’s very relaxing indeed.
Kai and I used to meet every evening and discuss our thoughts and experiences on the subject.
So it was the 13th October and Kai told me if I could help him prepare the séance room since one of his friends was unavailable. It was a pleasure for me and I immediately accepted. It was a hint on Kais genuineness, that he had nothing to hide from me.
We went to his parents’ wonderful house which had a type of shelter in the basement where the séance took place. It was a small room and very simple. I had all the time in the world to check the room; it took not that long in fact because it was empty except for the chairs, the cabinet, and an old clock fixed to the wall.
So we began preparing the room. We put the chairs for the sitters and the cabinet which consisted of a circle of plain wood with a curtain, a wind chime fixed to the ceiling, a small tambourine with fluorescent paper on top and also a handkerchief dotted with fluorescent material and a trumpet.
The day after was the day for the séance. Kai looked a bit nervous and excited which I understand. I was introduced to some very nice persons who were to participate and who greeted me with much love. We were only about seven persons - a group around an UK Medium, which was announced to come had to cancel because of sudden family related issues - and some of them were setting the cameras and voice recorders. They also put on air-condition and a standing lamp which remits red light.
So the sitters took their seats and Kai went in the cabinet. The lights were switched off and a prayer was said and then the sitters started singing and the atmosphere was fabulous bursting with positive vibration.
Kai started doing his holotropic breathing routine which is very impressive since it needs a lot of practice and effort to acquire this type of breathing technique, starving the brain from oxygen and get into trance.
After a few minutes the wind chime started tingling loudly and we cheered for our spirit friends. It was the first sign of spirit manifestation. Additionally knocks were coming from all over the room, the ceiling and the walls.
Kai’s voice then was getting rough but soon cleared and the voice changed to Kai’s spirit guide Mr Hans Bender.
Mr Bender greeted us and was calling us by names. He had a good sense of humour, joking every now and then, making us laugh and feel at home. He spoke English and also in German. Thanks to a guy sitting next to me who translated into English so that I can understand.
Now Kai was in deep trance. Then I felt someone touching my hand, then my right leg, then my hand, scraping the wall behind me, touching my back which was a few centimetres from the wall.
“Believe me there is nothing to fear!”
It was a wonderful experience!
Then, two small lights emerged from nowhere hovering around the room manoeuvring acrobatically all around. It was incredible! These small orbs of light the size of a tennis ball stopping in front of each of us and with enormous speed crossing the room in an instant.
Then I was called by Hans to lift a handkerchief from the tip which I did. Amazingly, it was lifting from the opposite tip and it went up the ceiling up and down then it dropped on the floor.
Another amazing thing was when the trumpet came up between my legs up in the air. Hans told me to grasp it from the front and to start pulling. As I started pulling, the spirit was pulling in the opposite direction. We were in a tug of war! Then the pulling stopped and the trumpet went rolling down on the floor.
Kai was sweating heavily and Hans told us to put the air-condition on so that Kai can cool down.
Then came the most amazing moment when the red light was switched on and we could see and even photograph Kai emitting a large quantity of ectoplasm which everyone could see clearly since we were only a meter or a little more away.

The red light was switched on for the second time and a hand up to the limb materialised and was waving to us.
Everyone would see it clearly.
Now the energy was getting low and Hans said farewell and started counting from five to zero for Kai to get out of trance. Kai was helped by his friends to get back as safely as possible.
It was such a wonderful experience that I will never forget. Then we went to Kai’s parents’ home and were offered something to eat and drink. Then Kai came as strong as ever and looked very tired but happy that the séance was a great success. It was well after midnight and we wished everyone good night and everyone went home.
I could not sleep that night as I felt drained. The following morning I phoned Kai to see if he was Ok. He told me that he experienced the same thing and he could not sleep at all.
Then, the last day for me in Germany arrived. Kai and I went to a nice restaurant not far from his house. It was a wonderful evening. We ate, drank and laughed. It was late and since I had to travel early in the morning to Frankfurt airport I had to go to my hotel to rest for a couple of hours. Kai and his wonderful dog Frida walked with me half way to the hotel and we hugged each other like brothers and parted.
It was a wonderful experience in Hanau. I would like to say a big thank you to Kai and I wish that he will have great success in his life and especially his medium-ship abilities. I would like also to thank his wonderful mum and dad, sister-in-law and his friends for being so kind to me. I will never forget you all. Wonderful Hanau!!!